Seph's preferred
genre will
always be fantasy. Science fiction is liked, in small manageable doses
with technical terms we can gloss over easily without feeling intimidated.
The number of books read are being counted as over the past few years,
Seph had lamented on not having read many books; so this year, she'd
like to see how well she does.
It's now....November 2005. We're at 42 books! Currently averaging
at 4.5 books a month! *grin*
01. Arabian Nights
02-06. The Belgariad by David Eddings
Pawn of Prophecy
Queen of Sorcery
Magician's Gambit
Castle of
Enchanter's End Game
07-11. The Malloreon
by David Eddings
Guardians of the West
King of the Murgos
Demon Lord of Karanda
Sorceress of Darshiva
The Seeress of Kell
12. The Circle of Magic (6 vols) by Deborah
13-15. The Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb
1- Assassin's Apprentice
2 - Royal Assassin
3 - Assassin's Quest
16-18.. The Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb
1 - Fool's Errand
2 - The Golden Fool
3 - Fool's Fate
19. Wizard of the Grove by Tanya Huff
20-23. Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce
1 - Alanna: the First Adventure
2 - In the Hand of the Goddess
3 - The Woman who rides like a Man
4 - Lioness Rampant
24. A Gracious Plenty by Sheri Reynolds
25. Alleluia's Files by Sharon Shinn
26. Eragon by Christopher Paolini
27. The BFG by Roald Dahl
28. Witches by Roald Dahl
29. The Fire's Stone by Tanya Huff
30. Quarrelling, They Met the Dragon by Sharon Baker
31. Journey to Membliar by Sharon Baker
32. Burning Tears of Sassurum by Sharon Baker
33-35. Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
#1 - part 1: From the Two Rivers
#1 - part 2: To the Blight
#2 - The Great Hunt
36-38. The Rai-Kirah trilogy by Carol Berg
1 - Transformation by Carol Berg
2 - Revelation
3 - Restoration
39. Misty
of Chincoteague by
40-42. The Nighrunner series by Lynn Flewelling
1 - Luck in the Shadows
2 - Stalking Darkness
3 - Traitor's Moon
43. Wheel of Time bk 3 (Dragon Reborn) by Robert Jordan
44. The Little Princess by Frances
45. Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery
46. The Secret Garden
47. Little Women by Lousa M Alcott
48. Chronicles of Narnia by L S Carroll